Sunday, March 14, 2010

Yooz'd be dicks to fly Tiger

I was watching the show Airways tonight while Maddhyson painted my toenails, which she loves to do coz the fumes make her high. All these dickheads were late for their plane and the stuck up airport bitches wouldn't let em on. One of the stuck up airline bitches had an orange face too. Dunno whether she used the wrong foundation or she was an oompa loompa but I found it really distracting.
The point is, Tiger is fully shit. I already knew this but maybe you don't watch the show and don't know how crap they are, so I'll tell ya. I have first hand experience: Cousin Darryl was supposed to be catching a plane from Sydney to Brisbane a few weeks ago coz he was picking up a mail order bride from the Ukraine. His mum had sacrificed an entire packet of Winnie Reds to buy him that flight. And he'd been saving up his Cennelink money for 2 years for this mail order bride, Olga. Through some mistake, Olga had booked a flight to Brisbane, not Sydney. As you can imagine, cousin Darryl was real excited coz he was finally gonna get to root someone he wasn't related to, as well as getting someone to scrub the skidmarks out of his undies and heat up his meat pies. He was real excited. He got to the check in counter, and they said, nah, that flight is delayed, and ain't leaving til 7pm. This was 11am though right and Olga's plane from the Ukraine was due to get in to Brisbane at 2pm. Cousin Darryl chucked the biggest shit you're ever likely to see on tv. It should be on in a few weeks, especially coz Darryl pulled a knife on the girl at the counter and threatened to stab her in the neck. This is something I reckon everyone could relate to after watching the show, its not Darryl's fault. The AFP came and had to calm Darryl down with capsicum spray, which I've found is sometimes the only way to calm him down when he gets like that. They put him in handcuffs and dragged him away and now he has to go to court next week about it. I don't wanna brag or nothing but we're pretty proud that someone from our family got on tv.

So Darryl never ended up getting to Brisbane, but Olga did.
The next day he got a call from the pigs in Brisbane saying Olga put an AVO out on him for domestic violence. Darryl was so fucking upset coz he hadn't even got around to hitting her yet, or meet her in person.
I told Darryl he should sue Tiger. Coz they're not just crap service and oompa loompa staff. They ruin relationships. They tear lives apart.

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