Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Alright so I better let yaz know that Trenty’s ears got slightly infected last night. It got a bit red and itchy and hot, nothing major. He did scream pretty loud though once the Xanax wore off so Keith ended up taking him to the hospital. Apparently babies’ immune systems aren’t as strong as adults, so Trenty just had some difficulty fighting off the infection, that’s all. The nurse also said the ears didn’t look like they were pierced by professionals, but Keith and I told her in no uncertain terms that that was bullshit, if anyone knew about needles it was us. While the nurse went off to get something in the other room, Keith looked through the drawers and grabbed some stuff. We were really hoping for OxyContin or Vicodin but we didn’t have too much time coz the nurse wasn’t gone too long, so I just told Keith to grab whatever he could find in the drawers while I kept watch, so he did. When we got home we realized he’d only managed to grab whooping cough and swine flu vaccines and some saline eye wash but never mind, you never know when those things might come in handy.

Anyway, Trenty ended up getting his ears cleaned up and he got some antibiotics and it was all right as rain. Now he’s in our bedroom, sleeping like a fucken baby, coz he is one.

Keith is pretty excited coz he’s taking Trenty to see his mum at Silverwater tomorrow. Shayla reckons its not as bad on the inside this time as it was last time, but I think that’s coz she and her room-mate are getting along better. For example her new room-mate hasn’t tried to finger her in her sleep, and has only once threatened to stab her, so things aren’t so bad. She does miss Trenty though she reckons. I tried to cheer her up when she went in - I said, Shayla luv, trust me on this, missing the first five years of your kid’s life is a godsend. All your doin’ is cleaning up shit, piss and vomit and not getting much sleep, if I were you I’d think of jail like a fucken holiday but better, coz you’re not sleeping in a tent. And think about it, by the time you get out, Trenty will be starting school. Shayla goes, yeah, I guess so – but I think she was still cut up about it. I think she’s still a bit sensitive about kids, with the twins being taken away and everything. I told her to get over that too though, she’s 24, she can have a few more when she gets out, I don’t know what the big fucken deal is.

Anyway, I better go, Simone and her pups need a feed and Gavo’s having a whinge about dinner. I told him we’re having burgers tonight though and that he’s gotta go get em from the fish and chip shop, so I don’t know what the fuck he’s whining at me for. Seeyaz.

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